Creatures Of Station 13 [TW]

Trigger Warning for Obscure animals, blood, animal pelts, and general discomfort. 

Meet the Creatures of Station 13!


The owlman is a creature thought to be extinct in recent times. However with the discovery of an egg, reered under the care of Agent Shelly with the WDPCA we now know that the creature has an incubation period of about 7 years. This has led to several popping up around the continental united states.

Full Owlman Report via USDPCA records. 

Species: Owlman or noctua bestia

Estimated current population: approx. 200 spread across the world.

Habitat: Non-dense forests usually located near fields or nature parks.

Diet: Carnivorous. Their diet consists of Humans, large mammals and occasionally themselves.

Safety Rating: Not safe for the general public but currently protected. Safety measures are in place where sightings are recorded.


Patches is one of a kind. Autopsy revealed that beneath a coat of haphazardly sewn together cat pelts and a crude mask was the body of a crypt. 

Full Patches Report via USDPCA records. 

Species: Crypt, somehow trained to act like a cat.

Estimated current population: 0 - Only one was run over near Black Creek Wisconsin/

Habitat: Unknown, was discovered in an old woman's home according to journal findings.

Diet: Carnivorous, consumed birds and cats prior to death.

Safety Rating: Shoot on sight.


Jackbear's, despite their terrifying appearance are kind and will lead lost travelers back to safety. They were named by an 8 year old Avery Winchester who documented the first physical evidence of the creature. We are unsure how old the genus actually is.

Full Jackbear Report via USDPCA records. 

Species: Jackbear or Lepus Bestia

Estimated current population: Unknown. This species is hard to track down but we are lead to believe there numbers are in the thousands across the world. 

Habitat: Heavily wooded areas where travelers are likely to get lost. 

Diet: Herbivore. These creatures consume mass amounts of vegetables, fruit, and tree bark.

Safety Rating: Safe to the general public

Rumble Bear

Rumble bears are a relatively new species. They were discovered in Alaska by agent Shelly Winchester and her wife Avery. Avery also named this creature due to its ability to purr. While blending into its environment with the body of a polar bear certain things about this creature are off. Though it does enjoy belly rubs. 

Full Rumble Bear Report via USDPCA records. 

Species: Rumble Bear

Estimated current population: 5 - all located in the united states, Alaska.

Habitat: Upper Alaska

Diet: Omnivorous, Mainly consumes fruit and vegetables, will consume animals if necessary. 

Safety Rating: Safe for the general public

Giant Cranes

While cranes are not necassarily a monster, 30ft cranes are definitely scary. This is a photo taken by a person named Amber during one of their last migrations.

All art and photography done by Flyingwolf1999 on tiktok find their work here:

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