Community Causes

This page is dedicated to spreading light on those in dire situations. Whether that be homelessness due to disability, sexual orientation, or gender preference. Or a pet that needs surgery that is difficult to fund. If you have spare funds and a kind heart feel free to take a look and support those in the Station 13 community. Pictures of those in need will not be shared without permission, most of these posts will simply be text and information about the cause.

Luke Orion and their partner Betty are currently facing homelessness. They are currently living in a van and hotel rooms when possible with their two cats. Luke is dealing with increasing bouts of pain on the daily and their goal is to find a safe place to settle down. To support Luke and Betty head on over to Luke's Kofi where he posts regular updates regarding daily life and their art! It also gives more detail on the situation, just follow the link below.

Help Luke and Betty! 

Help out those affected by the Hawaiin Wildfires!

Hawaiin Wildfire gofundme's