Contact Station 13

Station 13 can be contacted regarding promotion of business via 

currently we are offering free promotion to business' who make under 200 sales a month, in your email please include a link to a site containing your merch or commission examples + info. It will be mentioned in the commercial section of the cast & listed in the notes of each episode it is featured. 

Station 13 will be creating a reddit for the community to send in their own scary stories once we can get our hands on some more knowledgable reddit mods, so stay tuned! For now if you'd like a chance to have your story features just email us at the email above! 

If you'd like your music to be shared on the podcast please email and we will get back to you as soon as reasonably possible.

If you'd like to chat with the cast or fellow enjoyers of the podcast check out our discord!

Disclaimer: Not all music or scary stories will be shared on the podcast, and for that I am sorry. If your story or music is rejected for ANY reason we will inform you as to why. My goal is to have the whole staff look at it before we share anything. Thank you for understanding.

Through our Patreon you are able to access new episodes early for as little as $1 a month. 

Shout out to our Patreons!